Tuesday Forecast for November 14, 2023

Another mostly sunny to sunny day today. Temperatures reaching to about 66° give or take by 2pm CST or 8pm UTC. Pressure should start out high but it should be below 30 inches of mercury by late this afternoon.

HRRR model for temperature at 2 pm CST.

That is about it for today.

Michael Pratt

Sunday November 12, 2023 Weather Forecast

Good morning. This is the weather forecast and weather observations for today as of Sunday, November 12, 2023, as of 07:44 a.m. I am sitting here and looking outside; the sun shines, and the skies are clear. The temperature is at 38.4° and falling. The pressure is at 30.17 inches of mercury and steady.

I am looking at the light intensity chart over the past 31 days. We are still on a trending decline. What does this mean? It means we will continue to get colder.

Today’s Forecast. We may reach about 65° today; the dew point will only reach to about 40° by 6 pm. Winds may peak at about 19 to 20 mph or 17 knots by noon today.

Sunday Forecast HRRR Model at 3 pm CST 9pm UTC
HRRR Model at 3 pm CST 9pm UTC
HRRR Model Wind Gusts at noon CST or 6pm UTC.
HRRR Model Wind Gusts at noon CST or 6pm UTC.

According to Space Weather Live, the sun is still pretty sparse when it comes to sunspots. We do have a sunspot (3486) that popped up in the mid-part of the sun. Still do not see anything from the left. Sunspots look to be down from yesterday’s post of 6 sunspots. We only have 5 currently.

That is about it for the Sunday forecast today. Looks to be pretty uneventful from the weather.

Fall Temperatures Continue

Good morning everyone and Happy Veterans Day to my brothers and sisters in arms. It has been a while since I have posted anything to my site. Leaves continue to plague our areas and covering our yards. I spent a few hours yesterday cleaning the front yard of all the dreaded maple leaves. It looked nice yesterday but over night more had fallen and littered my yard.

Fall temperatures will continue. Today will be similar to yesterday, with a high of 56°, give or take, by 2 p.m according to HRRR 2m Temperature model. As I type this, the temperature is 40.1°. The barometric pressure is the highest I have seen on my AcuRite this month. It sits at 30.45 inches of pressure and steady. Last month on October 31st at 30.56 inches of pressure.

HRRR model for 2pm CST

The local media tells us that there is a chance of rain today with possible drizzle, but I beg to differ with Jackson County. Models for the HRRR Precipitation Type show that the rain will be way north of our county. High pressure continues to dominate

HRRT Precipitation Type for 11/11/2023 5 p.m. CST.

As for sunspot activity, we are still only seeing spots on the right side of the glob and nothing has been produced from the left side. If this persists we may see our first spotless sun since our solar maximum. A Coronal Mass Ejection from a filiment on our suns surface should hit our Earth today around 3 p.m. according to NOAA.

That is about it for today. Michael Pratt

Solar Eclipse Times Two

Solar Eclipse Times Two

We have a Solar Eclipse on October 14th, 2023, and a TOTAL Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. That is TWO solar eclipses in two years. This will be an excellent opportunity to plan a trip to one or the other event.

What Are The Two Eclipse Types

There are two types of eclipses, one is lunar, and the other is a solar eclipse. Both have to do with the position of the moon.

Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes in front of the Sun. As a born-again believer, the moon represents the Christian, and the Sun represents Christ. This is a picture of a born-again believer getting in the way of Christ.

Solar Eclipse Diagram
Solar Eclipse Diagram

Lunar Eclipse

The lunar eclipse is when the earth comes in between. From the Bible’s perspective, this is a picture of worldly Christian and how the world gets in the way of being more like Christ.

Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse

Where Is The Best Place to View The Eclipses?

2023 Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse 2024
Total Solar Eclipse April 2024

You can look at the following sites for more information on these two events.

Great American Solar Eclipse – Where most fo these images came from on this post.

Solar System Exploration

Blue Springs Weather Update

The start time for today’s Blue Springs Weather is about 8 pm tonight. It starts with rain. By that time, the temperature will be around 46 degrees.

Blue Springs Weather HRRR precipitation type model at 8pm
HRRR model for 8pm CST
Blue Springs Weather HRRR model at 8 pm tonight.
HRRR temperature model at 8 pm

Today’s Blue Springs weather high will be around 50 degrees by 4 pm. Skies will be overcast all day today, and there may be a very short window of opportunity for some sunshine a couple of times today.

Blue Springs Weather HRRR model for high temperature at 4 pm.
HRRR high temperature model at 4 pm

That is about it for today. Short and sweet and to the point. I will post more on social media as things change. MP

Please consider subscribing to my weather research page called Project Stormfront.

Blue Springs Weather: Possible Winter Storm

Good evening. It does not surprise me that Blue Springs weather shifts back and forth like menopause. This happens every season. Winter, spring, summer, fall. The last system was a fairly strong storm in places with only 0.25 inches or precipitation. Why is that? Why do we shift? Because the Earth does not rotate perfectly. It wobbles and, in turn, causes the weather to shift up and down.

Blue Springs Weather Forecast

For now, we are going to focus on the upcoming Friday weather. Mind you, this is still early and will definitely change and shift a little as we move forward. We will start at about 5 pm tomorrow (Thursday) night. It starts off as rain with the temperature at about 47°. According to the HRRR model for the current hour, the rain will shift to Sleet for a short time at 5 am, then shift to very heavy snow by 6 am. It seems that the snow amount, according to HRRR, is 4 inches. Don’t get excited. The WPC shows no real snow accumulation, and the WPC has yet to miss the mark.

So if anything changes, I will update it on social media. Please consider subscribing to my Weather Research site called Project Stormfront. From his site, you will see real science experiments and research papers based on real science. Eventually, I will have ways to support this page and my research on the weather. MP

Blue Springs Weather: Threat Upgrade

SPC Outlook

Blue Springs Weather is going to get pretty active tonight. I wanted to update you all on the upcoming storms we will encounter tonight. The Storm Prediction Center has upgraded us to Slight from Marginal. The more severe storms will be located more south, starting at the southern edge of Bates County, where they fall under an enhanced chance.

Blue Springs Severe Weather Forecast

Today we will be dealing with bouts of rain throughout the day and into the evening hours. Normally our temperatures will drop by the time evening hits us. This is not going to be the case today. Temperatures will be going up and the drop after midnight tonight. It is till a little bit early to the max temperature but it looks like we could be at 57° give or take by 10 pm.

  • Blue Springs Weather HRRR Model at 10pm
  • Blue Springs Weather Wind Gust Model

The threats we will be dealing with tonight will be damaging winds at a 15% chance, and large hail at 5%. Although our tornado chances are less than 2%, I am not going to rule out a possiblity of a spin up. We are still early in the game. This is all because we hit solar maximum with the current sun cycle. I am thinking things are going to start winding back down as be progress into spring and summer and the sun will go quiet again over the next year as we progress into another solar minimum. All a part of our transition into a Grand Solar Minimum.

That is about it for today on the forecast. I will update more on social media as things change. On another quick note I have been digging into solar intensity and temperature and found some interesting things. I will post that write up on my Weather Research site later. Take care everyone. MP.

Blue Springs Weather: 2 Rounds of Rain Sunday

Storm Prediction Center for Blue Springs Weather

Good morning, Here is the latest Blue Springs weather and forecast through tomorrow. We did not get much precipitation yesterday—only 0.01 inches from yesterday’s freezing weather. As I have stated, keep an eye on the earthquake situation over the next three or more days. We have a massive earth-facing transequatorial coronal hole passing by. This will cause the solar winds to increase, and it will affect our environment and cause large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the globe, depending on where we are affected. I have proven this to you all from previous Facebook posts. Sunspot activity is still currently at maximum still. You can see that since sunspots are close to the equator on both sides of the hemispheres. Take a look at Space Weather Live for more interesting sun data.

Current Blue Springs Weather Conditions

In this section, I will discuss current conditions. Here are the latest conditions as of 07:14 am. The skies are clear, but that won’t last long. We will shift to overcast for the rest of the weekend. The temperature is 21.8°. The dew point is 21°. The relative humidity is 89%. The barometric pressure is 30.37 inches.

The Forecast

Here is an update to yesterday’s forecast for Blue Springs. We are looking at the HRRR Models for tomorrow. It looks like we will get two rounds of precipitation. Today we will reach a high of about 47°, give or take, by 4 pm. Skies will shift to overcast and will continue to be overcast over the rest of the weekend.

Nothing is expected for today, but tomorrow we are dealing with a marginal chance of severe weather, according to the Storm Prediction Center. However, we are still early in the season for anything significant to happen. Currently, the chances of a tornado are less than 2%. The chances of damaging winds are 5%, and the chances of large hail are 5%. As you can see in the image below, our entire county sits in a marginal chance. The high temperature for tomorrow shows a high of 57°, but that could be a little higher when we look at it tomorrow since I cannot go any further out on HRRR.

As we continue with the forecast, there are two rounds of rain coming in, with the main system being the second system. The first round will be in the area by 11 am, but it will start out scattered, and as time progresses, it will fill in the rest of the area. The second round will begin in the overnight hours into Monday morning. The start time for this will be about 11 pm Sunday evening. This is the main system. According to the Weather Prediction Center, we are forecasted to get three-quarters to one inch or more of rain accumulation with these two rounds of rain.


So that is it for today, so please consider a comment and add it to this post below. I spend a lot of time investigating and posting weather updates, and this can be a great and free way of supporting my mission. This helps me get higher up on the search. If you have your own website, please consider linking back to this post. That will also help with my rankings. If you have not signed up for my other website, please head over to Project Stormfront and subscribe to support my research on Weather.