Blue Springs Forecast for Monday, February 20, 2023. Good evening everyone. Here are our current conditions as of 6:16 PM tonight. The current temperature is sitting at 54.5°. We had a high of 62°. The barometric pressure is 29.8 inches and steady. Winds are at 2 mph from the southeast. The dew point is at 29°, and the relative humidity is at 34%. The skies are cloudy.
Blue Springs Forecast
We are heading into spring-like weather this week, with temperatures in the 50s and 60s during the day and in the 30s over the evening hours. The temperature will be back down to the 30s during the day. By Thursday evening, the temperature will struggle to get to 31°. By Friday morning at about 7:00, the temperatures will be in the upper teens.
We may see some snow on Friday, but all the accumulation will be way north in the Minnesota area, which looks like there is a pretty good possibility of some impressive snow amounts there. We may be dealing with rain this Wednesday morning and the possibility of snow on Friday. The rain could be significant enough to give us a decent ground drenching. The WPC tells us we could see up to a quarter of an inch or more in our area.
On another note, I hope you will consider supporting my weather research page called Project Stormfront. There I will be posting true scientific research without the agendas. I have already moved my research paper on solar intensity to that site and tweaked it a bit more.