Good morning; here is the latest Blue Springs weather as of 05:26 am. We received 0.22 inches of precipitation over the past 24 hours. We did not get much from what was predicted yesterday. It was just enough to wet the ground, unfortunately. Not even a lightning strike. Looking forward to severe spring weather. You can get the rest of the long-range forecast here.
Current Blue Springs Weather Conditions
According to the AcuRite Atlas weather station, we are at a temperature of 25°. It is a big shift compared to the 60 we had yesterday. The dew point is at 19° and very dry. Winds are at 6 mph out of the west. The relative humidity is at 76%. The skies are partly cloudy.
Blue Springs Forecast
Today temperatures will continue to drop to a low of about 19° give or take, by 10 this morning. We are looking at a high of 29 degrees by 3 pm. Wind gusts will peak at about 31 mph or 27 knots by 6 am. Winds will be above 10 mph for the day. Sunshine will dominate most of the day with clear to mostly clear skies. No precipitation is expected for today.
All in all, today is going to be cold, but at least we have the sunshine. While I have your attention, please consider supporting my new weather research site called Project Stormfront. There you will find real scientific studies and actual results as I dive into our weather and what is involved, and what causes it. I will get into the granular details of how God takes care of the weather and what is revealed to us. Please consider subscribing so that you will receive direct communication from me as I go on this adventure. I will utilize lots of technology and resources l, including personally designed equipment to detect specific elements and events. So please jump over and check it out.