Blue Springs Weather Weekend Forecast

Blue Springs Weather is excellent at the moment considering the 30° we will reach today. I will take sunshine no matter what the temperatures are on any day. At 4 pm, it all changes. Rain to freezing rain is possible for tonight.

Blue Springs Weather Conditions

Here are the conditions as of 12:08 pm today. Currently, the skies are mostly clear. The Temperature is at 23.5°. The Barometric pressure is at 30.59 inches and steady. Winds are at 10 mph our the NNE.

Blue Springs Forecast

At 4 pm this evening, we will begin the rain. The northern edge of Jackson County will be starting with freezing rain. We will shift to freezing rain tonight at about 6 and 7 pm as the evening progresses. The system will continue intermittently until around 11 pm tonight, with freezing rain in parts and other rain. The winds are pretty calm over the next 24 hours or so.

Blue Springs Road Conditions

I do not think there will be any significant impacting our roads. It is mainly just wet roads, but some slick spots may sneak up on you if you are out and about.

Sunday Storms

The SPC says that this Sunday we have a marginal chance of severe weather.

Blue Springs weather convective outlook for Sunday.

Sunday may be a little bit noisy for the area. I don’t think we will see anything severe according to how the models look, but we may see some strong to moderate storms. CAPES are not very high. They are less than 1000.


That is just about it for today. If anything changes, I will let you all know through social media. Take care, everyone. Please consider supporting my Weather Research site by subscribing to get direct emails send to you of my current research. There you will learn about the realities of Weather Science with no agenda’s, just truth and real results. MP

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