Morning Observations / Forecast December 16 2022

Good morning. Today’s observation as of 6:21 am shows the current temperature of 22 degrees with a pressure of 29.87 inches. Winds are out of the NW at 10 mph. Relative humidity at 67% with a dew point of 16 degrees. Skies are clear.

For today’s forcast the wind gusts will peak to about 26 knots or about 30 mph give or take by noon today.

HRRR Windgust at noon on December 16, 2022

Dress accordingly and no I am not going to post anything about wind chill or feels like temperature. It is way over rated and it is a relative “calculation”. One of these days I am going to write a post on why you should not rely on Wind Chill and Feels Like Temperatures. Believe it or knot the National Weather Service had to “modify” the formula for wind chill because it was too high. Well how does one know that a feels like temperature or a wind chill calculation is too high? I have read that there were several research articles on this particular topic that forced this to be changed. I have not been able to find those articles just yet. I have not thoroughly searched the web either. I just need to set aside some time one morning to do some searching. I know these were done before 2001 according to what I have found.

The temperature will be around 31 degrees give or take for a high today by 11am this morning so again, dress accordingly.

HRRR Temperature at 11am CST

As for cloud cover, we will begin to shift to overcast by 11am today give or take. Temperatures will begin to drop about that time and by 10 pm, temperatures will be around 26 degrees or so and falling.

HRRR Temperature 10pm CST
HRRR Average Cloud Cover 11am CST

That is pretty much it for today. Not a whole lot going on. Happy Friday everyone. MP

Morning Observations – December 3. 2022

The skies are mostly clear today. Light intensity is sitting at 41680 lx. Temperature at 23.4 degrees and rising. We will only get to about 35 degrees give or take. The barometric pressure is pretty high. Sitting at 30.65 inches and steady. The dew point is sitting pretty dry at 12 degrees. Winds are out the WNW at 7 mph. We are expecting overcast by 3pm today. No preciptiation expected.

Not a whole lot going on the radar.

Current Reflectivity Radar