Nasty Precipitation. What is The ConditionsTomorrow?

What will be Blue Springs weather tomorrow? We will start a little wet, about 8 am; then we may see a little freezing rain. It should not be a hindrance. According to the WPC, there is a 20-30% chance of ice accumulations to about 0.01 inches or greater. The system then shifts to snow by about 1 pm, give or take. According to the WPC, there is no accumulation expected for snow. We will start at 32 degrees at about 7 am in the morning. The temperature will reach about 34 degrees, give or take, by 1 pm but then will begin to take a deep dive towards the evening hours.

Driving conditions should be okay for tomorrow. Just be careful driving, as there may be some slick spots. Bridges may be slick in spots too.

That is it for today; take care and be safe tomorrow. I will update you with Blue Springs Weather if anything should change. MP

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