Friday October 4th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs. It is 51.3°. We had a 59.1 high and a 50.5 low over the past 24 hours. Skies are mostly cloudy. Trace precipitation. relative humidity 90%. Barometric pressure 1024 and steady. Dew point temperature 47°. Winds at 1 gusting to 5 out of the southeast. Feels like 48°.
Today, temperature will be in low to mid 60s. chance of rain 14%. Dew point will be in the upper 40s. Mostly cloudy.

Tonight, temperature in the upper 50s. Chance of rain 44%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s to low 50s. Sky is mostly cloudy to cloudy.

Saturday, temperature in the low-to-mid 70s. Chance of rain 84%. Dew point temperature in the low 60s. Skies cloudy becoming mostly clear by 4 pm.

Saturday night, temperatures in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 3%. Dew point temperature in the low 50s becoming upper 40s by 4 am. Skies will be clear.

Sunday, temperatures in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 11%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be mostly clear to mostly cloudy.
Sunday night, temperatures will be in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 1%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be mostly clear to clear.

Convective Outlook shows a chance of non severe thunderstorms today. Tomorrow we have a marginal chance of severe weather. Sunday has no chance of thunderstorm severe or non-severe.

Model show the possibility of rain this evening anywhere between 6pm to 9pm Jackson County area. I say this because Blue Springs may or may not receive any precipitation overnight. Saturday morning is still set for a rainy start with a start time of 7 a.m. and an end time of about 1 p.m. or so. The National Weather Service predicts about a 3/10 of an inch maybe a little more. The NAM model shows a little less precipitation.

If you are out tonight you might want to consider an umbrella close by. If you have any events scheduled for Saturday morning you may want to schedule it for the afternoon. Depending on what time I wake up in the morning the depend on whether or not I will get a forecast out to you. I am involved in the Jackson County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (JCARES) group, and we will be doing a simulated terrorist attack on the Chiefs football stadium between 8am and 1pm. We will be Manning stations throughout the Jackson County area. More than likely I will be up early. I normally am. Have a great day folks and enjoy your weekend. Be safe driving to work and be safe coming home this evening.

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