Operation Storm-front is a private research project with a goal to collect barometric pressure, temperature, dew point, and humidity data during a scheduled time of severe weather. This research project is being done in hopes to fully understand the concept behind a severe thunderstorm to help with prediction improvements.
The truth about tornadoes and advanced warnings, according to NOAA, is current warnings have only a 13 minute average lead time and a 70% false alarm rate. The tornado is hard to forecast and is still not understood and is still unpredictable.
For this research, I will be focusing on the thunderstorm and not the tornado for one reason, the tornado is the end result of a severe thunderstorm. The tornado is not the source, the thunderstorm is. If we can understand the thunderstorm, and examine the data of the severe thunderstorm, there is a good possibility we will find the missing link to tornado-genesis. If we find the missing link we will solve our problems with severe weather predictions and know what storms will be associated with tornado-genesis. It seems like people can get so focused on the result, they look past the fact that they need to switch to the source! Just like a cancer, the focus needs to be the source of the cancer not just the cancer itself! That source of the tornado can only be one thing, the severe thunderstorm.
Operation Storm-Front research project will be conducted as time is available. Data collection from a proprietary designed device and examinations of radar displays and visual examinations of storms will be vital to this extensive research project. As data that is collected will be compared to baseline data from days that have no forecast of severe weather. The ending results and all data will be posted on this site for any and all to use for other research projects. Blog entries will be posted as data is collected and discoveries are found.