Weather Forecast for Sunday, November 19, 2023

Good morning! I was poking around the models this morning on this bright, clear, and beautiful day. Our weather forecast for Sunday afternoon will be wet and rainy. According to the HRRR models, we will have a start time of about noon tomorrow with rain. It will be about 66°, and the temperature will begin to fall as this system passes through the area. By 6 pm, the temperature will be around 52°. By midnight Sunday into Monday, it will be about 45°. The rain looks to continue off and on throughout the afternoon and well into Monday morning.

Weather forecast from HRRR Precipitation Type
HRRR Precipitation Type at noon CST or 6 pm GMT.

Rain amounts up to midnight Monday morning show about 0.23 inches.

Weather Forecast for Precipitation amounts from HRRR models.
HRRR Precipitation totals as of midnight Monday morning.

The WPC shows that we may have some actual thunderstorms. But we are way outside the severe aspect for this, so there may be a rumble or two. The WPC looks similar to the HRRR report for rain amounts at 0.25 inches.

Weather forecast model for the Weather Prediction Center
WPC model for Nevember 19, 2023
Weather Forecast model for QPF from Weather Prediction Center.
WPC Model for QPF for November 18,2023

That is about it for our weather forecast for today. Enjoy your Saturday! You can look at my previous post here. MP

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