Evening Weather September 30th 2019

Last day of September and I am loving the nice hot weather. I am a Spring/Summer type of person. I dont care for Fall or Winter. I don’t like to put on jackets and coats.

Current conditions. Temperature is 86. We had a high of 86.7° and a low of 67.8° Relative humidity 66%. Winds at 3 gusting to 14 out of the southwest. Barometric pressure is 1011(29.85) and falling. Dew point temperature 73°. Humid.

Current NAM model shows a start time of 1am Wednesday morning. Passing passing through by 7am.

The second system on Wednesday will be on top of us by 7pm. The second system will last until about 10pm.

Temperature will plummet to about 45° give or take at 10am October 3rd Thursday morning barely reaching the low 50s by 7pm. Temperature will dip even further by 1am early Friday October 4th morning, to the low 40s (43 is what the model says).

Time to break out the windbreakers, prepare the humidifiers, and break out and break out the hand lotion. Fall is on its way.