October 18th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! It’s Friday! It is a mild morning this morning. Skies are clear. No precipitation to report.


Current temperature is 49.8°. We had a high of 65.6 and a low of 39.6 over the past 24 hours. Relative humidity 88%. Dew point temperature 1009(29.80 inches) and steady. Winds are at 1 gusting to 7 out of the South. Dew point temperature 44°. Feels like 46°.


Today, temperature will be in the low 70s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be clear.

Tonight, temperatures will be in the low 50s. Chance of rain 68%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 50s. Skies will be clear shifting to cloudy after 1am.

Saturday, temperatures in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 42%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 50s shifting to upper 40s by 4pm. Skies will be cloudy shifting to mostly clear by 4pm. Rain likely early morning.

Saturday night temperatures in the mid to upper 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be clear.

Sunday, temperatures in the low 70s. Chance of rain 13%. Dew point temperature in the low 50s by 4pm. Skies will be partly cloudy.

Sunday night temperatures in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 40%. Dew point temperature in the Epi 40s. Skies will be mostly cloudy. Rain likely.


Convective Outlook shows today and Sunday with a Chance of non severe thunderstorms. Saturday has no chance of non severe or severe thunderstorms.


Models have slightly changed as far as time frame is concerned. Start time has been pushed forward to 7am Saturday morning. Should be out of the area by 1pm. The second system will arrive about 9pm or so Sunday night. System should be out by early Monday about 1am or so. Temperatures may be just slightly above your normal seasonal temperature as this warm front passes through. Our next major system will be the morning of Thursday October 24th. The next one will be the morning of Friday November 1st.

We have a cold front moving in on the morning of Friday October 25th, where temperatures will be in the low to mid 30s. It will last through Saturday with morning temperatures in 30s. Another cold front moves in on Wednesday October 30th, with temperatures in the low 30s and highs in the upper 40s. This will last through Sunday November 3rd.

That’s pretty much it for today. Pretty uneventful.

October 16th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! Have you ever had one of those nights where your brain does not want to shut off? That is what happened to me last night. I did use some of that time to pray for those that reached out to me yesterday. I feel like I’ve been up all night. Does not help that you get up every morning at 4:30. The way I see it, I can either focus on the fact that I was up all night and be miserable today, or have an attitude of this too shall pass. I’m going to choose the second option.


Another crisp morning. Light dew on the grass, and a little on the rain gauge. Skies are partly cloudy. No precipitation report. Current temperature 37.9°. We had a high of 64.7 and a low of 37.6 over the past 24 hours. Relative humidity 90%. Barometric pressure 1019 and steady. Winds are at 0 gusting to 2 out of the south-southwest. Dew point temperature is 32°. Feels like 32°.


Today, temperatures are going to struggle. We will only reach into the upper 50s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be partly cloudy shifting to mostly clear by 4pm.

Tonight, temperatures in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.

Thursday, temperatures will be back up into the upper 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 40s. Skies will be clear.

Thursday night, temperatures in the low 50s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the mid to upper 40s. Skies will be clear shifting to partly cloudy by 4am.

Friday temperatures will be in the low 70s. Chance of rain 1%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be partly cloudy shifting to mostly clear after morning.

Friday night, temperatures in the low 50s. Chance of rain 43%. Dew point temperature upper 40s. Skies will be clear shifting to partly cloudy to cloudy.


Convective Outlook shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms over the next two days. Friday into Saturday shows a chance of non severe thunderstorms in our area.


Models show a chance of trace rain tomorrow morming around 7am in our area. This may or may not happen. Friday evening around 10pm another system shows up, continues off and on through the night, ending about 10am Saturday morning. Another system pops in Tuesday October 20th at roughly 10pm. Another low temperature system arrives around 7am on Monday October 28th. Temperatures appear to be in the mid-thirties. Wednesday October 30th at 1am is something to keep an eye on, as temperatures will plummet to the low 20s. If this happens, October will have its first hard freeze for the year. October 31st does not show any precipitation at this time, and shows temperatures in the upper 40s by 7pm.

Low 20s Wednesday October 30th.

That is pretty much it for today. Have a safe trip to work. Praying for all who reached out to me last night. May God bless you tremendously, and encourage you, and empower you, and increase your faith, and show you he is still there.

October 15th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! Happy Tuesday. It is a beautiful morning this morning. it is 4 weeks and 4 days till deer starts. I am 48 years old and have yet to experience this sport. I have been quail, rabbit and squirrel hunting, but never deer. I am doing that for the first time this year. Pretty excited about it. Just completed my hunter safety course yesterday, just need to get a few more things before the season starts. I am going with a coworker of mine that has hunted for years. He has about 3 and a half acres surrounded by large woods.


Temperature is 61.7°. We had a high of 71.5 and a low of 37.1 last night. Relative humidity 90%. Barometric pressure 1008 and steady. Winds at 2 gusting to 6 out of the South. Dew point temperature of 57°. No precipitation to report. Skies are mostly cloudy. Feels like 62°.


Today, temperature will be in the low 60s. Chance of rain 7%. Dew point temperature falling to upper 30s. Skies will be mostly cloudy shifting to clear by 4pm.

Tonight temperatures will be in the upper 30s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear to mostly clear.

Wednesday, temperatures in the upper 50s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be partly cloudy to mostly cloudy by 10am clearing out, becoming clear by 4pm.

Wednesday night, temperatures in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.

Thursday, temperature in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 40s by 4pm. Skies will be clear.

Thursday night temperatures in the low 50s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 40s. Skies will be mostly clear.


Convective outlook for today shows a chance of non severe thunderstorms in our area. Wednesday and Thursday show no chance of non severe or severe thunderstorms.


Model show a possible chance of Trace rain this morning. It should move out by 2pm today. The system set for Friday evening at 10pm should be fairly small. Another larger system will be in the area early Monday morning October 21st about 1am. Some of you may be wondering about Halloween. It does show Rain in the evening hours at about 7pm. Don’t freak out too quickly, as the models can change drastically up until then. This is just something to watch as we progress through the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday morning 7am.
Saturday morning 4am.
Sunday evening into Monday morning.

That is pretty much it folks, have a great drive into work. Be careful. I will talk to you again this evening.

October 14th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! Happy Columbus Day! The weekend was a great! After spending time with my Savior at worship yesterday morning, I spent the day with my wife and our grandson while our son and daughter-in-law spent the day celebrating their anniversary. We had a blast! We drove out to Kansas, to Deanna Rose children’s farmstead. We saw a bunch of farm animals. We ate kettle corn. We fed goats, chickens. We rode a horse drawn wagon. We had Taco Bell for lunch. Freddy’s for dinner. The night before my wife and I went to Liberty corn maze with our youth group. We had about 67 people total. We had a devotion, ate pizza, I got lost in the corn maze! I was so exhausted from the weekend, I went to bed at 8:30 last night. It was a good exhaustion though. Got my first QC report from the National Weather Service from September’s weather reports, and there was no problems with any of the reports. It is now on its way up to the Climate Center to be archived and a final QC.


Skies are clear, no precipitation report. There’s heavy dew on the rain gauge. Temperature is 38.0°. We had a high of 64.7 and a low of 37.5. Relative humidity is 96%. Barometric pressure is 1014(29.94 inches) and steady. Winds are at 0. Dew point temperature 34°. Feels like 32°.


Today, temperature will be in the low 70s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be clear.

Tonight temperatures will be in the low 50s. Chance of rain 11%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 50s. Skies will be clear to mostly cloudy to cloudy.

Tuesday, temperatures in the low 60s. Chance of rain 13%. Dew point temperature dropping to the upper 30s by 4pm. Skies will shift from partly cloudy to mostly clear to clear. Rain possible, but not likely. Time frame about 4pm or so.

Tuesday night, temperatures in the upper 30s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 30s. Skies will be clear.

Wednesday, temperatures in the mid to Upper 50s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.

Wednesday night temperatures in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.


Convective Outlook for today shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms. Tomorrow shows a chance of non severe thunderstorms. Wednesday shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms.


Models today are all over the place and inconsistent. Two out of the three models that I look at, show no possibility of rain for Tuesday. The third one still shows rain on Tuesday afternoon about 4pm. Friday evening about 10pm give or take is our next major rain event. It will last till about 10am Saturday morning, but won’t have a significant amount. Another larger system will be upon us on Sunday morning early. It will continue into Monday morning October 21st. We’ll have more details as we draw closer to these particular days. Right now it’s just too far to get granular in the details.

Tuesday afternoon.
Friday evening into Saturday morning.
Sunday morning.

That is about it for today. If your employer gives you the day off on Columbus Day like mine, enjoy your day. If not, for those of you that are driving to work, be careful.

October 14th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! Happy Columbus Day! The weekend was a great! After spending time with my Savior at worship yesterday morning, I spent the day with my wife and our grandson while our son and daughter-in-law spent the day celebrating their anniversary. We had a blast! We drove out to Kansas, to Deanna Rose children’s farmstead. We saw a bunch of farm animals. We ate kettle corn. We fed goats, chickens. We rode a horse drawn wagon. We had Taco Bell for lunch. Freddy’s for dinner. The night before my wife and I went to Liberty corn maze with our youth group. We had about 67 people total. We had a devotion, ate pizza, I got lost in the corn maze! I was so exhausted from the weekend, I went to bed at 8:30 last night. It was a good exhaustion though. Got my first QC report from the National Weather Service from September’s weather reports, and there was no problems with any of the reports. It is now on its way up to the Climate Center to be archived and a final QC.


Skies are clear, no precipitation report. There’s heavy dew on the rain gauge. Temperature is 38.0°. We had a high of 64.7 and a low of 37.5. Relative humidity is 96%. Barometric pressure is 1014(29.94 inches) and steady. Winds are at 0. Dew point temperature 34°. Feels like 32°.


Today, temperature will be in the low 70s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be clear.

Tonight temperatures will be in the low 50s. Chance of rain 11%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 50s. Skies will be clear to mostly cloudy to cloudy.

Tuesday, temperatures in the low 60s. Chance of rain 13%. Dew point temperature dropping to the upper 30s by 4pm. Skies will shift from partly cloudy to mostly clear to clear. Rain possible, but not likely. Time frame about 4pm or so.

Tuesday night, temperatures in the upper 30s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 30s. Skies will be clear.

Wednesday, temperatures in the mid to Upper 50s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.

Wednesday night temperatures in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.


Convective Outlook for today shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms. Tomorrow shows a chance of non severe thunderstorms. Wednesday shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms.


Models today are all over the place and inconsistent. Two out of the three models that I look at, show no possibility of rain for Tuesday. The third one still shows rain on Tuesday afternoon about 4pm. Friday evening about 10pm give or take is our next major rain event. It will last till about 10am Saturday morning, but won’t have a significant amount. Another larger system will be upon us on Sunday morning early. It will continue into Monday morning October 21st. We’ll have more details as we draw closer to these particular days. Right now it’s just too far to get granular in the details.

Tuesday afternoon.
Friday evening into Saturday morning.
Sunday morning.

That is about it for today. If your employer gives you the day off on Columbus Day like mine, enjoy your day. If not, for those of you that are driving to work, be careful.

October 13th Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! Happy Sunday. Another cool crisp morning this morning. As I walked out to check the rain gauge, the Moon is high in the West. It is peaceful and quiet outside the winds are at a dead standstill.


Temperature is 39.3°. We had high of 64.8 in a low of 30.6. Relative humidity 87%. Barometric pressure 1011(29.85 inches) and steady. Winds are at 0 gusting to 2 out of the south-southwest. Dew point temperature is 34°. Skies are clear. No precipitation report. Feels like 34°.


Today, temperature will be in the low 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature low 30s. Skies will be clear.Tonight, temperatures in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.Columbus Day, temperature will be in the low 70s. Chance of rain 1%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s to low 50s. Skies will be clear.Monday night, temperatures in the low 50s. Chance of rain 13%. Dew point temperature in the mid-50s. Skies will be mostly clear turning partly cloudy by 4am Tuesday morningTuesday, temperatures in the low 60s. Chance of rain 10%. Dew point temperature in the low 40s by 4pm. Skies will be mostly cloudy shifting to clear by 4pm.Tuesday night, temperatures in the upper 30s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 30s. Skies will be clear.


Convective Outlook shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms today. Tomorrow and Tuesday show a chance of non severe thunderstorms.


Models are showing possible precipitation Tuesday morning around 7am. The next system will be Friday October 18th, starting around 4pm ending on Saturday morning early. Another larger system Sunday morning starting around 1am, lasting throughout the day an ending Tuesday morning around 1am. Our next cold front will arrive on Wednesday October 23rd with temperatures in the mid to upper 30s by 7am.That is pretty much it for today folks. Enjoy your time of worship today if that is what you do on Sundays.

Tuesday Morning 10am
Friday 10pm
Sunday October 20th into Monday

October 12th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs, it is cold outside. Had to crank on the Heat this morning. Walked outside to check the Gage and there was frost on it. I hope everyone had quiet evening yesterday.


Temperature is 33.3°. We had a high of 49.2 and a low of 30.6. Relative humidity 82%. Barometric pressure 1018(30.06 inches) and falling. Winds are at 0 gusting to 5 out of the south-southwest. Dew point temperature is 27°. Skies are clear. Feels like 26°.


Today, temperatures will be in the low 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s by 4pm. Skies will be clear.

Tonight, temperatures will be in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.

Sunday, temperatures will be in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.

Sunday night, temperatures will be in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 40s. Skies will be clear.

Monday, temperatures in the 70s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 50s by 4pm. Skies will be clear.

Monday night, temperatures will be in the mid to Upper 50s. Chance of rain 15%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 50s. Skies will be partly cloudy.


Convective outlook for today and tomorrow shows no severe or non severe thunderstorms in our forecast. Monday into Tuesday shows a chance of non severe thunderstorms.


I see a small system showing up in our area about 1am Tuesday morning. It does not look like it will bring forth much rain. It looks like it may last throughout the day on Tuesday ending about 1pm. A larger system will be producing on Friday October 18th around 10am. The system will last through Saturday and into Sunday morning about 10am. As for temperatures, looks like we will have a former weekend was October 19th and 20th with temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s. Another cold front follows behind that on October 25th where temperatures will be in the low 30s again at 7am.

Not a whole lot going on this weekend weather wise. Looks like it’s going to be clear. We can get our grass mowed. It’ll be pretty nice outside to do some activities.

October 11th 2019 Forecast

As I sit here, waiting for my coffee to be made, I was thinking about how impressive it was last night to watch the temperature fall a tenth of a degree every 30 seconds. The temperature is still falling, and will continue till about 8 a.m. give or take. I find it funny that we, as people, are ecstatic about the temperatures being cool and cold. Wait until March, when people are tired of the cold and cool and ready for warm temperatures LOL. As for me, I can’t stand fall and winter and my attitude doesn’t change about that. I like seeing the green leaves on the trees. I like not having to wear a coat, and if I’m too hot I can always find a pool. Some say you can only take off so many layers clothing, but I say you can only put on so many. I would like to live in a desert. At least it is nice and warm during the day, and cool evening.


Current temperature 39.7 degrees. We had a high of 70.6 and a low of 39.7. What a temperature span. Relative humidity 77%. Barometric pressure 1016(30.00 inches) and rising. Winds are at 5 gusting to 9 out of the West. Dew point temperatures at 32 degrees. In the past 48 hours we had 246 lightning strikes. We had .17 inches of rain. Skies are cloudy. Feels like 33 degrees.


Today, temperatures will be in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 7%. Dew point temperature in the upper 20s. Skies will be mostly cloudy shifting to clear by 4pm.

Tonight, temperatures will be in the low 30s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 20s. Skies will be clear.

Saturday, temperatures will be in the low 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s by 4pm. Skies will be clear.

Saturday night, temperatures will be in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 30s. Skies will be clear.

Sunday, temperatures will be in the low 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 30s. Skies will be clear.

Sunday evening, temperatures will be in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 40s. Skies will be clear.


Convective Outlook shows no chance of severe thunderstorms or non severe storms over the next three days.


Models don’t show a whole lot until about October 19th to the 21st which will be our next significant weather system. Not a whole lot of information on it we just know that it’s going to have some significant rain. I do not see anything out of the ordinary as far as significant temperatures just concerned. Looks like just your average October month up to October 25th.

That is pretty much yet. Pretty boring week when it comes to weather. Be safe driving to work today. It is Friday! Be safe coming home and enjoy your weekend.

October 10th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! Happy Thursday. It is a little wet currently. We are in a break area and the rain will be starting back up here soon hopefully after 6 a.m. because I don’t want to have to go out and measure another round of precipitation for my morning post for the National Weather Service. Don’t let this warm weather fool you, by 4pm, temperatures will drop from 69 and really start tanking after dark. It will be about 39 degrees or so by 5am Friday. Temperatures will only reach up into the upper to mid 40s. Friday evening into Saturday reaching low 30s by 7am.


Temperature is 59.9°. We had a high of 61.8 and a low of 52.4 over the past 24 hours. Relative humidity is 99%. Barometric pressure is 1005(29.68 inches) and falling. Dew point temperature is 58 degrees. Winds are at 4 gusting to 10 out of the east Southeast. We have had 235 lightning strikes today from that system. Skies are cloudy. We have had .78 inches since yesterday. We had .25 inches yesterday. The pH was 8. Today was .53 inches with a pH of 9.


Today, temperature will be in the low 70s. Chance of rain 74%. Dew point temperature in the upper 60s. Skies will be mostly cloudy to cloudy.

Tonight, temperature will be in the upper 30s. Chance of rain 31%. Dew point temperature will drop to upper 30s by 4am Friday morning. Skies will shift from Cloudy to partly cloudy.

Friday, temperatures will be in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 23%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 20s by 4pm. Skies will shift from mostly cloudy to partly cloudy to mostly clear.

Friday night, temperatures will be in the low 30s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper twenties. Skies will be clear.

Saturday temperatures will be in the 60s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 30s by 4pm. Skies will be clear.

Saturday night, temperatures will be in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the mid to upper 30s. Skies will be clear.


Today’s convective Outlook, shows most of Jackson County under a marginal chance of severe weather. The southeast corner will be under a slight chance severe weather. Day 2 and day 3 have no chance of severe or non severe weather.


Today’s models show rain throughout the day today off and on. Systems should move out by 4pm tonight. Interesting to note, looks like Kansas make it a little bit of snow. I don’t think this system will be long-lived enough to reach into Jackson County, but it is something to watch. It is still about a day or two out. Pretty sure it will change quite a bit as we approach Friday.

That is pretty much it for today. Have a safe have a safe trip to work. You may. You may want a light jacket for tonight for tonight. Be safe driving home.

October 9th 2019 Forecast


Happy Wednesday Blue Springs! It’s hump day! Temperature at 52.6°. We had a high of 75 and a low of 44.1. Relative humidity 84%. Barometric pressure 1012 and steady. Winds at 2 gusting to 4 out of the south-southwest. Dew point temperature at 45°. Skies are clear. No precipitation to report. Feels like 47°.


Today, temperature will be in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 54%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 50s. Skies will be mostly cloudy to cloudy. Rain likely after 10am.

Tonight, temperatures in the upper 50s. Chance of rain 83%. Dew point temperatures in the upper 50s. Skies will be mostly cloudy. Rain likely.

Thursday, temperatures in the low 70s. Chance of rain 80%. Dew point temperature in the low 60s. Skies will be mostly cloudy to cloudy. Rain likely.

Thursday night, temperatures in the low 40s. Chance of rain 56%. Dew point temperatures in the low 40s. Skies will be mostly cloudy to cloudy. Rain likely.

Friday, temperatures in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 24%. Dew point temperature in the low 30s. Skies will be cloudy shifting to mostly clear by 4pm.

Friday night, temperatures in the low 30s. Cold. Chance of rain 2%. Dew point temperature in the upper 20s. Skies will be clear.


Today, convective Outlook shows a marginal chance of severe weather for our area. Tomorrow shows the marginal chance of severe weather for our area. Day 3 shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms.


Models of changed since yesterday. Start time for rain will be around 1 to 2pm. Looks like simulated reflectivity and precipitation accumulation are just slightly off that is why I’m putting a range. Another model shows the start time about 4pm rain and thunderstorms will continue off and on throughout the evening , Thursday, and part of Friday. Temperature will drop substantially by 7pm Thursday. No will hit about 35 maybe a little lower, give or take by 4am Friday morning. Saturday morning by 7am, temperatures will be in the low 30s.

That’s pretty much it. Take your rain gear with you, be safe driving to and from work.