UPDATE RESEARCH PAPER – Linking Solar Intensity With Temperature

Bright orange fiery sun with solar flares

This is just an addendum. I wrote a post on December 3rd research paper on the scientific link between sunlight or solar intensity and temperature. This research is proving out that the sun controls our environment, especially when it comes to sun intensity. The truth is that science reveals that based on the data collected over time.

I continue to collect 30-day history from the AcuRite Atlas. The Solar intensity trends continue to follow the temperature trends according to the graphs below.

As we approach spring, the light intensity is trending back up. Solar intensity has gone from 47620 LUX on January 1, 2023, to 61120 LUX as of January 31, 2023. The length of daylight has slightly increased; we have gained about 48 minutes of daylight so far since January 1.


This research shows that light intensity determines the overall temperature. We may not see it match exactly with Solar Intensity, but over time, you see that the trends are the same. We should see an increase in our temperatures as we progress through 2023. We should begin to see the temperature trend shift flatten out as we progress.

As our solar cycle enters a Grand Solar Minimum, temperatures may continue to trend downhill or take longer to recover this year, making spring shorter during our transition. Only time will tell as I continue to collect the recorded data and light intensity from the Atlas. I will post an article explaining the Grand Solar Minimum and linking back to the scientific evidence that proves sunspots are linked to temperature and weather.

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SOLAR STORM WARNING December 8 and 9th. What does this mean? It means earthquakes and volcanic eruptions somewhere across the world. This is because of the massive sunspots that are currently moving across the sun. Minor G1 class geomagnetic storms are possible with this event. This can still cause radio blackouts and GPS interruptions resulting in flight and ship delays in the affected areas (affected areas can be found on NOAA site by the weekend) those with pacemakers should avoid flying during the storm as it could affect the motherboard of the device.

That big ball of flame in the sky does far more than give us light and heat. The sun majorly affects everything from all types of weather to earthquakes to volcanic eruptions. man has very little if any impact on anything related to this. The only climate change we need to worry about is the future grand solar minimum that will be taking us into a famine that will affect the entire world and it’s food sources and much more.

If you are reading this post please keep coming back. Over the next several years I will be posting several research papers about how our sun affects our earth, from the environment to the weather. This is REAL science with REAL PROOF and REAL TRUTH! Till next time! MP.