Sunday Weather Forecast, Earthquakes, and Volcanic Eruptions

HRRR Precipitation model

Good morning. Here is the Sunday weather forecast, but first, our current weather conditions. I hope everyone has had a great weekend. We had some rain over the past 24 hours. It measured at 0.08 inches of rain. The temperature was at 32° F this morning at 6 am. It is now 30° F. Skies are cloudy, and winds are calm as I look out at the windmill in our backyard. The most breeze we have dealt with is nine miles per hour out of the WSW. Pressure is sitting at 29.91 inches of mercury.

Current Weather

Here is the latest Sunday weather forecast. I was looking at the HRRR Precipitation type. I see a small low-pressure system that will be moving through the area. It will bring some possible rain. The pressure will dip to about 29.70 inches of mercury by 8 pm this evening. We may get a few sprinkles or two in the evening, but our chances will increase by midnight tonight into Monday.

Sunday weather forecast from HRRR Precipitation Type
HRRR Precipitation Type for 2 am UTC or 8 pm CST

Sunday Weather Forecast

Our Temperature will reach a high of 46° F by 2 pm. We may get some peak throughs of sunshine, but overcast will prevail later today.

HRRR Temperature Model for Sunday's weather forecast
HRRR Temperature model at 2 pm CST or 8 pm UTC

The coronal hole is on its way to the eastern hemisphere, and so far, it has produced an earthquake in the Philippines at 7.6 and a volcanic eruption of Mount Etna in Europe.

Coronal Hole

Sunspot activity has declined since my last post about this on November 26th.

Space weather for Sunday weather forecast.
Space Weather Live Sunspot Count

Lots of exciting events have occurred from our active sun. I don’t downplay that people got hurt from a 7.6 magnitude earthquake. I prayed yesterday for quick recovery and safety in the Philippines. The sun has a tremendous impact on our planet’s environment and weather. Just like the sun is a type of Christ in the Bible, which affects our climate, God controls our temperature and environment, and it is God that provides the signs from heaven to reveal the events. That is about it. Take care. MP

Sunday Weather Forecast – November 19, 2023

Good morning everyone. We will get to the Sunday weather forecast shortly. I woke up this morning to view the security cameras, and we had a nice-sized buck pass through the neighborhood. I am pretty sure it was lost. It likely showed up due to it being hunting season. It was right about 4 am when it showed up.

I spent Saturday cleaning out the leaf-infested gutters and unclogging the downspouts. Did not take long at all. I’m almost done with the leaves on my property. I spent several hours cleaning up the pine needles from the large tree next door. I’m not too fond of pine trees. Their needles destroy ground nutrients if you don’t clean them up. They kill any vegetation around the area and destroy the soil’s PH. It hinders grass growth, too. To get back that grass, you have to either cut down the tree and/or replace the soil with good soil and plant sod or grass seed. The best solution is to get rid of the tree. They get pine cones and needles everywhere. I had one and got rid of it. The grass still does not grow right from it. Anyway, I digress. Let’s get on with the weather.

Sunday Weather Forecast

Tonday’s weather will be wet over the next 24 hours. Models are showing we could get a decent soaking, so if you were planning on doing any yard work, you have till about 2 pm to do that. It does show rain upon us by 3 pm today. You may hear a rumble or two of thunder while this system moves through the area. The Storm Prediction Center still shows just a chance of non-severe thunderstorms, which is to be expected since we are out of our peak season. Rain amounts are looking to be somewhere around half an inch to an inch for the Jackson County area. Rain amounts are much harder to get than snow amounts. We will reach to about 63° by 1 pm.

Sunday Weather Forecast from the Weather Prediction Center
Sunday Weather Forecast from the WPC

Current Weather

Our current temperature sits at 41° F. The barometric pressure is at 29.82 inches of mercury, humidity is at 73% Relative and skies are mostly clear since I see a few light clouds in the sky.

Space Weather

Sun activity is pretty minimal and quiet. We thought it was goung to go spotless for the first time in Solar Cycle 25, but that proved to be wrong and 3489 showed up. Looking at today’s image from Space Weather Live, we have two more sun spots that popped up ont he weatern hemisphere 2490 and 2491. That small coronal hole is slowly making its way acrossed the equator and is now passing through the eastern hemisphere. We do have an earth directed solar storm from a filliment on the 15th and should be here by Monday. We may have an increase of sunspot and solar activity.

That is pretty much it for today. Enjoy your day today.