Friday October 4th 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs. It is 51.3°. We had a 59.1 high and a 50.5 low over the past 24 hours. Skies are mostly cloudy. Trace precipitation. relative humidity 90%. Barometric pressure 1024 and steady. Dew point temperature 47°. Winds at 1 gusting to 5 out of the southeast. Feels like 48°.
Today, temperature will be in low to mid 60s. chance of rain 14%. Dew point will be in the upper 40s. Mostly cloudy.

Tonight, temperature in the upper 50s. Chance of rain 44%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s to low 50s. Sky is mostly cloudy to cloudy.

Saturday, temperature in the low-to-mid 70s. Chance of rain 84%. Dew point temperature in the low 60s. Skies cloudy becoming mostly clear by 4 pm.

Saturday night, temperatures in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 3%. Dew point temperature in the low 50s becoming upper 40s by 4 am. Skies will be clear.

Sunday, temperatures in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 11%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be mostly clear to mostly cloudy.
Sunday night, temperatures will be in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 1%. Dew point temperature in the upper 40s. Skies will be mostly clear to clear.

Convective Outlook shows a chance of non severe thunderstorms today. Tomorrow we have a marginal chance of severe weather. Sunday has no chance of thunderstorm severe or non-severe.

Model show the possibility of rain this evening anywhere between 6pm to 9pm Jackson County area. I say this because Blue Springs may or may not receive any precipitation overnight. Saturday morning is still set for a rainy start with a start time of 7 a.m. and an end time of about 1 p.m. or so. The National Weather Service predicts about a 3/10 of an inch maybe a little more. The NAM model shows a little less precipitation.

If you are out tonight you might want to consider an umbrella close by. If you have any events scheduled for Saturday morning you may want to schedule it for the afternoon. Depending on what time I wake up in the morning the depend on whether or not I will get a forecast out to you. I am involved in the Jackson County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (JCARES) group, and we will be doing a simulated terrorist attack on the Chiefs football stadium between 8am and 1pm. We will be Manning stations throughout the Jackson County area. More than likely I will be up early. I normally am. Have a great day folks and enjoy your weekend. Be safe driving to work and be safe coming home this evening.

Warm, Cold, Rain, Snow in The Same Week!

The past few days have been quite the interesting events. We ended up with about 8.9 inches of snowfall on Friday/Saturday this past weekend. It was a difficult prediction even for a weather enthusiast like myself, but I will have to admit that this past storm was pretty impressive! Our atmosphere was saturated with moisture and caused big fat snow to fall and to accumulate on our trees and power lines. This became a problem for us as the weight of the snow would cause tree limbs and entire trees to fall and a lot of people lost power. Some won’t have power back till Thursday. Just in time for another round of snow to accumulate in our area.

Water Vapor from 1/11/2019

Our next round of systems will be another interesting set up.

1. Tuesday will be mid to upper 40’s. but may not be able to be high enough to melt a whole lot of the snow. That is the system coming up from southwest.

2. Wednesday afternoon we have another 60% chance of precipitation and the temperature will barely be above freezing at 33 degrees. This will occur well into Thursday

3. Friday evening into Saturday is the next system. Starting off with rain at 38 degrees. The temperature will tank once this system starts and by Saturday morning at about 1am the rain will transition to snow stopping about noon or a little after. Temperatures will continue to drop throughout the weekend and by 8am Sunday will be at -4 degrees if everything plays out. Temperatures will climb back up to the 30s by Monday afternoon.

I will keep an eye on this system and the models as the week progresses and will update with any changes that may occur. If you end up going to the Chief’s game make sure you bundle up in layers to keep warm! GO CHIEFS!

Are You Ready For A Warm Up?

Expect at a 5 to 10 degree warm up tomorrow. Clouds will be departing and offer up some sunshine. Temperatures will continue to increase and temperatures should reach back up into the the upper 40s lower 50s by the weekend. That chance of rain Thursday has gone away.

Wintry Mix Start Possible Tonight

The more I dig into the weather for tonight and tomorrow the more I think we will get some wintry mix. As the sun disappears behind the clouds. I have decided to remove the smaller gauge out of my rain collector in anticipation for this system moving in starting off with snow. It looks to be starting off with mix, moving to rain, then the colder air moving in behind the end of this system. Blue Springs may wake up to some light icing Monday morning then warm up and then additional icing on the predawn to several hours after sunrise on New Years.

The isobars indicate some higher winds since they are closer together. That alone may cause some freezing. We are expecting up to an inch of precipitation.

I look at the numbers on my Acu-Rite 5 in 1 and it shows 38 degrees F and steady. Humidity of 59% and falling. The Barometric pressure is 1011 millibars and falling. Winds are 5 mph west north west and a windchill of 35 degrees F.

Time to Get Back to Normal

Hope everyone enjoyed the nice 58 degree weather today. We are about to get back to our normal winter cold as the temperatures start to tank. Saturday morning may be in the single digits with the windchill, but we will be drying out. Sunday will be struggling to 40 degrees. The models show no precipitation up through the weekend.

Over the past 24 hours or so we have received 1.12 inches. It was breezy today. The most wind we received today was 22 mph.

Currently we are at 38 degrees and falling. Pressure 1002 and rising. Humidity is at 91% and rising. Winds are out of the west at 7 mph. Windchill at 31 degrees.

Wednesday Forecast Will Bring Rain

Good morning and Merry Christmas Blue Springs! I hope this post finds you well. Last night I explained that the Wednesday forecast will be some significant weather that will bring much needed rain.  The models are are really coming together and the forecast is predicting up to an inch and a half of rain over Wednesday and Thursday which is a good thing since we have been lacking any precipitation here in beautiful Blue Springs!

Last night we had .01″ of rain and it came and went.  If you blinked you would have missed it, but at least some precipitation is better than none although a good ole fashioned white Christmas would have been great.

The window of opportunity for moderate to heavy rainfall will be Wednesday night into early Thursday. Rain should end by Thursday afternoon and start to dry back out. There is no sign of snow because of the warm temperatures. Following Thursday afternoon it will become breezy with 25-30 mph winds with temperatures in the upper 50s to lower 60s! It will be a beautiful day continuing through this weekend with another chance of precipitation Monday into Tuesday.

Christmas Eve Weather and Forecast

Looks like we have a very very very light rain going on outside tonight , but as I type this the rain has become light and steady. With the new Acurite weather station hopefully we will see some rain indications on the rain gauge for the 5 in 1 sensor. Eventually I will be expanding the setup with internet access and more sensors.

Acurite 5 in 1 Sensor

Current conditions are as follows:

Temperature: 43 F and steady.
Humidity is at 57% and steady.
Barometric Pressure has leveled off to 1019 mb and steady.
Winds are at 2 mph from the SW. Gusting at times to 6 mph.
Windchill is at 28 F

The models are predicting a fairly large system coming in by Wednesday that could bring in some wind and much needed rain for the Blue Springs area. Looks like the unseasonable warmer weather will continue to hang on while others west of us will receive some significant snow.

December 26 2018 Weather Forecast

December 27 2018 Weather Forecast
December 27 2018 Weather Forecast

If anyone has any updates on the weather in their area please shoot me a Facebook message or comment below.