Tuesday October 1 2019 Forecast

Good morning Blue Springs! Happy Tuesday. Goodbye September hello October.

Current conditions. Temperature 72.3°. We had a high of 86.7° and a low of 67.8°. Relative humidity 88%. Barometric pressure 1011(29.85 inches) and steady. Winds are at 3 winds are three gusting to 6 out of the south southwest. Dew point temperature 67°. Feels like 76°. Skies are mostly clear. No precipitation to report.

Today temperature will be in the upper 80s. Chance of rain 7%. Dew point temperature in the low 70s. Humid. Skies will be partly cloudy to mostly clear.

Tonight temperatures will be in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 51%. Dew point temperature in the upper 60s. Humid. Skies will shift to mostly cloudy.

Wednesday temperatures will be in the low 70s. Chance of rain 71%. Dew point temperature shifting from the upper 60s to low 60s by 4pm. Skies will Skies will be mostly cloudy to cloudy.

Wednesday night temperature in the mid to upper 50s. Chance off rain 72%. Dew point temperature shifting from upper 60s to upper 50s by 4am Thursday.

Thursday temperature in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 6%. Dew point temperature continues to fall from low 50s to upper 40s. Skies partly cloudy to mostly clear.

Thursday night temperature in the low 50s possibly upper 40s. Chance of rain 2%. Dew point temperature upper 40s. Skies partly cloudy.

Convective outlook. Today no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms. Wednesday we have a mrginal chance of severe thunderstorms. Thursday no thunderstorms, severe or otherwise.

Have a beautiful Tuesday! Be blessed!

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