WINTER WEATHER UPDATE as of 1/9/2024 at 5:20am. Models moved back an hour for start time. We are now at 8pm this evening. The NWS says mixed precipitation. HRRR shows straight snow. The WPC has shown a shift for chances of snow accumulations to 60% from 50% last night. Jumping down in the weeds for snow amounts. It looks like we could get up to 1.6-1.7 inches of snow over the evening hours. I do not know a stop time as of yet. That will have to wait till the evening.
For today’s temperature. Looks like we will hit a high of 33° F give or take by 2pm today. Winds will pick up a little today and peak to about 26 mph by 2pm. When the snow moves into the area, visibility will reduce significantly, not with blizzard winds like the other day. Skies will be mostly clear today until about 1pm. That is about it. Take care. MP