Current conditions. Temperature is 73.2°. We had a high of 87.6° and a low of 69.9°. Relative humidity 86%. Barometric pressure 1011(29.85 inches) and steady. Winds at 0 gusting to 2 out of the South Southeast. Dew point temperature 68°. Humid. Skies are cloudy. Feels like 80°.
Temperature today will be in the low 80s. Chance of rain 77%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 70s. Humid. Skies will be cloudy.
Tonight temperature will be in the low to mid 50s. Chance of rain 86%. Dew point temperature will drop from 70s to the low 50s by 4 AM. Skies will be cloudy to mostly cloudy. National Weather Service says rain amounts after 1 a.m. will be about a half an inch or a little more.
Thursday temperature will be in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 3%. Dew point temperature in the low 50s. Skies will be mostly cloudy to partly cloudy.
Thursday night temperatures will be in the low 50s. Chance of rain 3%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 40s. Skies will be partly cloudy.
Friday temperatures will be in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 11%. Dew point temperature will be in the upper 40s. Skies will be mostly cloudy.
Friday night temperatures will be in the upper 50s to low 60s. Chance of rain 23%. Dew point temperature will be in the low 50s. Skies will be mostly cloudy.
Models currently show scattered showers starting about 9 or 10 a.m. roughly. The main system will begin between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. or so. Models are fairly consistent with each other.
Today convective Outlook gives us a marginal chance of severe weather. With a 5% chance of high winds and large hail. Less than 2% of tornadoes. Tomorrow convective Outlook shows very Southern edge of our County with a Chance of non severe thunderstorms. Friday shows no chance of severe or non severe thunderstorms.