Blue Springs Weather Update

The start time for today’s Blue Springs Weather is about 8 pm tonight. It starts with rain. By that time, the temperature will be around 46 degrees.

Blue Springs Weather HRRR precipitation type model at 8pm
HRRR model for 8pm CST
Blue Springs Weather HRRR model at 8 pm tonight.
HRRR temperature model at 8 pm

Today’s Blue Springs weather high will be around 50 degrees by 4 pm. Skies will be overcast all day today, and there may be a very short window of opportunity for some sunshine a couple of times today.

Blue Springs Weather HRRR model for high temperature at 4 pm.
HRRR high temperature model at 4 pm

That is about it for today. Short and sweet and to the point. I will post more on social media as things change. MP

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