Good morning. Here is today’s Blue Springs weather. The current temperature is 34.3°. Relative humidity at 69%. Pressure is at 29.94 inches and steady—Dewpoint at 27°. Winds are at 10 mph out of the south. Skies are clear at this time but will shift to cloudy, and there will be short periods of clear skies.
Here is the latest forecast for today. The temperature will peak to about 49° today at 1pm and should melt the rest of the residual snow that we have. There is currently about 0.4 inches of snow left on the ground.
The main issue we will be dealing with today will be the winds. It is likely we will end up with a high wind advisory today. Winds will peak to about 46 mph between 9am and 11am today.
Tomorrow’s temperature will be around the mid to upper 50s but by evening the temperatures will begin to tank around 6pm and 7pm. Looks like temperatures will be in the teens by 6am Sunday morning,
As far as precipitation goes, nothing is to be expected over this weekend. That is about it for today’s Blue Springs weather and Jackson County, take care and enjoy your Friday.