Good morning. Here is the latest Friday weather forecast for November 17, 2023. I hope all is well. We will be at a high of 53°, give or take, by 2 pm. There is no precipitation expected today. Skies will be clear to mostly clear today. Today will be your typical fall seasonal weather. We may start a little breezy this morning, but things will quickly calm down throughout the day. That is it for the Friday weather forecast.
Our current temperature is 38.3°, and the pressure is 30.1 inches of mercury. The skies are clear. Winds are calm to 5 mph out of the northwest at the moment. Pretty uneventful at the current time.
I am looking at the sunspot activity; we are getting very close to possibly seeing our first spotless sun since the last solar cycle. Spots are much more sparse than in my November 12th post about this. Solar Cycle 24. Our previous solar minimum froze over the Missouri River. According to Space Weather Live, We are down to one spot on the right side of the sun’s hemisphere. We have a small earth-facing coronal hole moving across our sun’s equator.
Suppose you are new to this site. I understand that my Facebook page and this website have a much different forecast than you are used to. I don’t believe in all the nonsense that the media has been hyping up to with all this nonsense talk about that double C word we won’t mention here. If you stick around, you will begin to see the absolute truth behind our weather and what is causing all the craziness.
That is about it for today’s post. Enjoy the rest of your day today.
Michael Pratt