Good morning Blue Springs! Beautiful sky. If you go outside this morning, look to the north high in the sky you will see Orion. If you turn around to the South, look high in the sky and you will see the Big Dipper. It is chilly this morning. There is heavy dew on the rain gauge.
Temperature is 35.4°. We had a high of 52.7 and a low of 35.4. Relative humidity 97%. Barometric pressure 1014(29.94 inches) and falling. Winds are at 0 gusting to 1 out of the south-southwest. Dew point temperature is 33°. Feels like 30°. No precipitation to report.
Today, temperatures in the upper 50s. Chance of rain 4%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be mostly clear.
Tonight, temperatures in the low 40s. Chance of rain 0%. Dew point temperature in the low 40s. Skies will be clear.
Sunday, temperatures in the low 60s. Chance of rain 1%. Dew point temperature in the low 40s. Skies will be mostly clear.
Sunday night, temperatures in the upper 30s. Chance of raining 2%. Dew point temperature in the upper 30s. Skies will be mostly clear shifting to mostly cloudy by 1am.
Monday, temperatures in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 37%. Dew point temperature in the low 30s. Skies will be cloudy.
Monday night temperatures in the upper 20s. Chance of precipitation 50%. Dew point temperature in the low 30s. Skies will be cloudy to mostly cloudy.
Current model show rain after 7pm Sunday night continuing into the morning around 7am Monday. Another round starting Monday between 7 and 10pm and rolling out by about 7am Tuesday morning. Our snow chances I’ve been pushed forward a little, with snow starting about 1 am Wednesday morning and continuing true Halloween and ending by early Friday morning. Snow amounts will be measurable. I just don’t trust the amounts that the models are talking about. Regardless I am pretty sure trick or treaters are going to be in snow boots and heavy coats and gloves. Temperatures for Halloween will be in the 20s in the evening at this time.
As for the cold front, it will arrive by 10am Monday morning. Temperatures will continue to fall throughout the week next week. By Friday morning, temperatures will be in the upper teens. Looks like average temperatures will be in the low 40s at the beginning of November as we progress into winter.
That is pretty much it for today. Enjoy your weekend. You may want to get prepared for snow by getting your shovels ready and ice melt.